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PRA Chapters and Affiliates promote and support the mission and values of PRA, and provide members with increased opportunities within their states. Whether separately, or in concert with PRA, our chapters provide members with educational opportunities, local public policy advocates, and local leadership development within the psychiatric rehabilitation field. As a PRA member, you are automatically a member of your state’s chapter, if one is in place.
Upcoming Chapter & Affiliate Events
Chapter & Affiliate educational opportunities are now listed on our Approved Provider Roster and Events page.
Don't see a chapter in your state?
In order to establish a world where individuals with mental illness achieve successful and satisfying lives, PRA relies on a broad network of Chapters and Affiliates. Our goal is to have chapters or affiliates in all 50 states (and beyond!) to advocate to establish guidelines recognizing and incorporating the Certified Psychiatric Rehabilitation Practitioner (CPRP) and Certified Child and Family Resiliency Practitioner (CFRP) credentials, and advance psychiatric rehabilitation principles of self-directed, self-managed care that is state-of-the-art, and universally available to those who seek it.
View/Download Chapter Chartering Manual
Now is your chance to make a difference! If there is not a chapter in your state or region, download our Chapter Chartering Manual to find out how you can help establish a chapter!
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Chapter Administrators that wish to submit an event for listing on our Approved Provider Roster and Events page, or to provide updates for the information displayed on this page for their Chapter/Affiliate, may do so using the submission button below. Once submitted, please email [email protected] to confirm receipt.
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PRA Chapters & Affiliates
Arizona Chapter: Arizona Association of Psychiatric Rehabilitation Practitioners (AAPRP)
AAPRP on Twitter: @AAPRP1
Contact AAPRP: [email protected]
Chapter Representative: David Delawde
California (Affiliate): California Association of Social Rehabilitation Agencies (CASRA)
CASRA on Twitter: @1casra
Sign up for the CASRA Newsletter!
Affiliate Representative: Chad Costello – [email protected]
Colorado Chapter: Colorado Psychiatric Rehabilitation Association (COPRA)
Chapter Representative: Raymond Sedillo, President
Follow COPRA on Facebook!
Connecticut Chapter: Connecticut Psychiatric Rehabilitation Association (CTPRA)
Chapter Representative: Carl Bordeaux
Florida Chapter: Florida Psychiatric Rehabilitation Association (FLPRA)
President/Chapter Representative: Nikki Panasci
Georgia Chapter: Georgia Psychiatric Rehabilitation Association (GA-PRA)
Chapter Representative: Lamarr Lewis
Illinois: Illinois Chapter PRA
President/Chapter Representative: Nikki Pashka
New Jersey Chapter: New Jersey Psychiatric Rehabilitation Association (NJPRA)
Chapter Representative: Amy Banko
New Mexico Chapter: Psychological Rehabilitation Association of New Mexico (PSRANM)
Chapter Representative: Kimmie Jordan
New York (Affiliate): New York Association of Psychiatric Rehabilitation Services (NYAPRS)
Affiliate Representative: Steve Miccio
Ohio: Ohio Chapter PRA
Chapter Representative: Renee Kopache
Pennsylvania Chapter: Pennsylvania Association of Psychiatric Rehabilitation Services (PAPRS)
Chapter Representative: Kim McDonald-Wilson
Virginia Chapter: Virginia Psychiatric Rehabilitation Association (VAPRA)
Chapter Representative: John Douglas